
Rockies Road Trip 2010

Delano Lavigne, and Emily McClay made a short visit to the Canadian Rockies before driving to Ottawa and then Washington, D.C. I put together a short video of our trip together, we first went to the Bugaboos but left quickly as the weather crapped out. We recovered from our hike in the rain by climbing at Back of the Lake in Lake Louise and as the weather improved we made a quick hit on Ha Ling Peak (NE 5.6) and then Zig Zag (5.12a+) on Yam.

When Delano left for L.A. on the weekend to go to his gay friends heterosexual wedding, I took Emily up Mt. Little for a training session.

Enjoy the Video! Joshua.

Rockies Road Trip with Delano Lavigne and Emily McClay from alpinesummits on Vimeo.